The Island Game – Trainer instructions

Game time: 30 minutes Game, 45-60 minutes discussion =75-90 min
Trainer: 1-2
Delegates: ideal about 12 – 16

Split the delegates into 2 groups; if to many people are around denote a few delegates as outside observers.

Distribute the different handouts to the 2 groups. The 2 handout for the delegates have the same inventory but different cultures/countries they belong to, Linric & Claque (!) .

Now give each group about 15 minutes to practice their CULTURE on their own. Let them plan the first steps they are going to take since they are stranded on an Island. ( It can be anything they agree on, ie stay, build a raft to escape, look for food, look for water, trace the anoimals, etc. wahtever they like it is up to them) Make sure they really live their culture (!)

After that initial planning time get the 2 groups together and let them discuss their plans. NB: they have only one set of inventory as described on the handout not 2 (!)

Stop after 15 minutes.

Allow about 45 – 60 min for evaluation discussion.
The following should be discussed and noted on flipcharts:

1. Their observations (no emotions or interpretations, pure observing results)
2. Their interpretations of the other culture/group (no emotions(!))
3. Their Emotions ( how did they feel? Any feeling that came up)
4. Each group explains how accurate the interpretation of the other group was (2.)
– It is surprising how accurate their observations are but nobody attended to act upon it !?

5. What was the problem and how could it be solved?
– if the delegates refer to a simulation: the sim is a not real but the delegates reactions are real, as we tend to act normal even under artificial settings.
– If they refer to an emergency situation: They might come up with the explanation that they are in an emergency situation and need to react quick, so their is no time for getting to know each other. This is truly a definition thing especially when they arrive in the new country they come to work and maybe have to get adjusted quickly at the work place and there they will have the time pressure as well, also other examples possible.
– Who’s task is it to do the first step? This is not a question about who has to do it first. “Why should we, they did not do it either.” This refers to individualistic vs collectivist cultures. Example Japan: it does not matter what you do a Japanese will not tell you anything negative. If you do not ask him he will not tell you for example that he did not understand you. So who does the first step? Since you know it can happen only from your side in this case. Be informed about these basics things, Don’t look from within your culture and do NOT compare. It does not work at all. Don’t ask always why is it like that, sometimes it is just the way it is, there are no simple sociological or anthropological reasons all the time.
– Be aware that the Clauqes might feel that it was their mistake to establish cultural understanding, it would have been also the oldest of the Linrics to approach them with understanding. This Sim is not about establishing good and bad: it is about awareness of differences and how the first initial contact is important.

These are only a few observations that came up during previous discussions, please add more along the line as they come up to increase the effectiveness and the learning.

Stimulate the delegates to talk about their own experiences if had and draw similarities to the simulation.

Good luck and happy understanding!


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